25+ Years of Specialist Care
Extensive experience in canine care, both through professional experience & a 25-year career in Military & Specialist dog care.
In-depth knowledge of Dog Welfare sets us apart from all others, as established compassionate, professional & dependable pet protectors.
Doggy Day Care
Doggy Day care in my Private Home
(12 hours)
In my Home - £30 | Peak Rate - £35
Additional Dog - £20 | Puppy Rate - £30
Extended Daycare (Over 12 hours) - £5
Pick-Up £10 | Drop-Off £10
Private Boarding
Overnight Stay in my Private Home
(24 hours)
In my Home - £40 | Peak Rate - £45
Additional Dog - £20 | Puppy Rate - £45
Grooming - £25
Pick-Up £10 | Drop-Off £10
House Sitting
Pet & Home Care in your Private Home
In your Home - £65
Additional Dog - £35
24 Hour Home Security - Included